Scripture Reading - Daniel 2:1

And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him. KJV

We have discussed in “Sleep Departure – Part 1” that a king could not sleep because of a “specific thought” that concerned reading the book of records. This “persistence thought” was from the Lord to keep a servant of God from being executed the next date. No doubt that since there are thousands upon thousands of records in the libraries of the kingdom (liken unto government documents) he probably knew exactly which date to check the records. While searching through the records he found the right record that revealed what he needed to do. In that case as soon as he obeyed the prompting of God to search the records the Lord enlightened his path to prosper his obedience. Thus his remedy was simply following his heart in obedience to God to recover his sleep. The major theme we discussed in that article was to get into the Word of God to hear clearly what the Lord is saying. We (ihlcc) concluded that spending some nighttime with God’s Word will calm your heart to quiet down your mind to hear what His Word is teaching. When you can hear God’s Word speaking in your heart you can then hear God’s Voice for your specific situation. Sometimes following God’s Way will open the door to God’s Wisdom during your next period of rest. Remember in that example one key thing was necessary - God’s Wisdom. In this example we have another king but with a different problem but the same thing is needed – God’s Wisdom. Again, in the verse above the Lord was involved, instead of a specific “thought” the Lord gave the king a mysterious dream. Since the dream troubled the king he lost his sleep due to a lack of understanding (God’s Wisdom). Generally speaking, if the dream causes you to wake-up the best advice we can give you is to start praying in the Holy Ghost (speaking in tongues) and open up your Holy Bible looking for scriptural verification for what you just saw in your heart. Not all dreams come from God and a lot of dreams are created by the imagination of your own soul. However, if this is truly a dream from God then seeking God’s Word for the meaning of the dream is both prudent and wise. In this case sleep was present and working then a sudden interruption counteracted the sleep. Therefore the first thing necessary in this case is to calm the mind by settling your thoughts. The wise saint realizes (knows, understands) that God’s Word is the Will of God for your life. The Lord wants (desires) for you to trust His Word more than anything shown to the mind, so it is in your best interest that you seek God’s plan for your life through His Word. Remember, the night is usually quiet so keep your praying voice low and open to the verses that speak about what you believe the dream is talking about. If you have nothing in the dream that relates to the Holy Scriptures forget about the dream and go back to bed. The Will of God is revealed from the Word of God, not mental manifestations of dreams and/or visions. If you find verses that confirm the dream then go back to bed in peace knowing you have the next day and many days after that to gather more information about the dream/vision according to the Word of God. So when sleep departs suddenly after he had started his work know that he (sleep) will return soon after your meeting with God’s Word while praying in the Holy Spirit. Amen.